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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu soc.culture.magyar:2004 soc.culture.europe:15009 news.answers:4798
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!usenet
- From: fekete@bcvax1.bc.edu
- Newsgroups: soc.culture.magyar,soc.culture.europe,news.answers
- Subject: Hungarian electronic resources FAQ
- Supersedes: <hungarian-faq_722757619@athena.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: soc.culture.magyar
- Date: 26 Dec 1992 06:02:15 GMT
- Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology
- Lines: 100
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 8 Feb 1993 06:02:10 GMT
- Message-ID: <hungarian-faq_725349730@athena.mit.edu>
- Reply-To: fekete@bcvms.bc.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
- X-Last-Updated: 1992/05/15
- Archive-name: hungarian-faq
- Last-modified: 1992/05/14
- Version: 0.1
- Updated versions of these Frequently Asked Questions of Hungarian interest
- (with some answers) are posted to Usenet and the email lists concerned
- about every two weeks.
- -Q: What services are available in Hungarian language?
- -A: a number of them from Hollosi Information Exchange. Email to
- gtoth@phoenix.princeton.edu with Subject: HIX and in the body of the mail put
- HELP or SUBS service-name, for getting help or subscribing, resp. The
- postings are sent out daily in digested form. The HIX server can also send
- out archived files - use HELP SENDDOC to learn about this feature.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- HIRMONDO -- daily news (edited in Budapest)
- Radios Hirek -- news summary from the Hungarian Radio
- SZALON -- moderated political discussion forum
- FORUM -- unmoderated political discussion forum
- TIPP -- politics-free discussion, tips etc.
- ===========================================================
- - my server ZFIX handles user-configurable email discussion:
- AGORA; to get its description in Hungarian send email to fekete@bcvms.bc.edu
- with Subject: AGORA$SEGITS (the body of these messages gets ignored).
- -Q: Are there Hungarian-related services in (primarily) English?
- -A: HUNGARY@UCSBVM is a discussion group designed to provide a means of rapid
- communication between all those with interests in Hungarian issues. To
- subscribe to the discussion group, send an e-mail message, without any
- subject, to the list server address, "listserv@ucsbvm.bitnet" containing the
- single line:
- subscribe hungary your name
- with your own name inserted in place of the phrase "your name."
- Once you have subscribed, any messages which you want to send to the group
- should be sent to the group address, "hungary@ucsbvm.bitnet".
- -Q: what about Usenet?
- -A: [Glad you asked :-)] There is soc.culture.magyar - with discussion mostly
- in English, sometimes bilingual, and occasionally Hungarian posts. If you're
- not using Usenet, ask around your site - it's available on many (if not most)
- Internet hosts, normally known as network news service. If you're under Unix,
- try the newsreaders rn, nn, vn or trn; under other operation systems it may
- be newsreader or of similar name. If you don't have local access, try TELNET
- bbs.acs.unc.edu or freenet-in-a.cwru.edu, where you can request permanent
- guest account with Usenet privileges (among other things).
- If you want to receive soc.culture.magyar posts by email, you'd get them from
- AGORA (see above) - or can request separately emailing to fekete@bcvms.bc.edu
- with Subject: ZFIX$SUBS=SCM.
- To learn more about Usenet use the archive site pit-manager.mit.edu - start
- with the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/news-answers-intro ( that lists a
- number of alternative archives located in Europe as well).
- If you do not have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archives
- by mail server as well. Send an E-mail message to
- mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu with "help" and "index" in the body on
- separate lines for more information.
- -Q: Are there any other connections with Hungary, such as BBS networks
- (Fidonet etc.), Internet Relay Conferences (IRC) and so one?
- -A: I have no definite answer for these (although heard mentioning them),
- please someone enlighten us!
- -Q: How to contact someone in Hungary by email?
- -A: If you do not know the address, that may be an even taller order then for
- most of the Internet. Hint: the audience of TIPP (see above) is probably the
- best - and that of Usenet is the worse to ask for help given the distribution
- of readers.
- -Q: How to handle the Hungarian accented letters?
- -A: There is a number of solutions, mostly based on TeX. For starters check
- out SENDDOC programs etex.Z and hion.Z from HIX (see above) and also the
- babel system for LaTeX with Hungarian specific option, available from FTP
- sites kth.se or goya.dit.upm.es.
- -Q: What's the single most important tool in locating useful files in the
- wilderness of Internet archives (I realize it's not a Hungarian question)?
- -A: It's undoubtedly ARCHIE! Telnet to one of the following servers, login
- archie and type help to get you started (and amazed).
- archie.ans.net (USA [NY])
- archie.rutgers.edu (USA [NJ])
- archie.sura.net (USA [MD])
- archie.unl.edu (USA [NE])
- archie.mcgill.ca (Canada)
- archie.funet.fi (Finland/Mainland Europe)
- archie.au (Australia)
- archie.doc.ic.ac.uk (Great Britain/Ireland)
- Email access is possible thru archie@<INSERT ONE OF ABOVE ADDRESSES HERE>, put
- Subject: help
- -Q: How should I send suggestions, hatemail etc. concerning this FAQ?
- -A: I hereby solicit any additions, corrections, suggestions or questions. My
- primary email address is fekete@bcvms.bc.edu. *Please* note that due to the
- high volume of email I regularly have to sift messages without attentive and
- informative Subject: get deleted without reading (and putting "READ THIS"
- wouldn't do any good ;-) )! Begin the Subject: line with the string ZFIX$KERDES
- (followed by a descriptive subject of your choice) to enable automatized mail
- handling.
- -- Zoli Fekete fekete@bcvms.bc.edu
- "For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand
- of my betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling